Sign up for crew pool

Skippers who race are often searching for crew. Crewing opportunities come in all sizes and shapes. ODC's goal here is to help those interested in crewing connect with  skippers who are looking for crew.

Here's the sign-up form.

  • In the Interest Level column, select Regular if you are available on most race dates. Skippers understand that regular crew might not be available 100% of the time. If you're new to racing, being regular crew is the fast track for getting good. Most skippers don't mind teaching someone new, as long as they can count on them to show up regularly. Select Occasional if your schedule stays pretty busy, or you're gone for extended periods during the non-winter months, or your work schedule is such that you can't be a regular crew for someone. 
  • Be honest about your experience and preferences. If you've been involved in racing but are up in years, you may not enjoy the athleticism it takes to crew on a sport-boat. About the only requirement for most PHRF boats is that you be reasonably fit and have average or better agility.
  • Fill out as many details as you can and keep your information up-to-date. Once you find a boat, change your status to “NOT CURRENTLY LOOKING.”  You can always come back and re-activate your status later, if you need to find another boat.

Search for crew

Looking for crew?  

Here's the crew pool list.

Find out more

If you have questions or prefer to discuss crewing in more depth before signing up, contact either:

  • Harry Corbett by email or call (262) 490-2846
  • Don Munn by email or call (919) 274-7625

Contact our Commodore, Bob Slook, by email or call (732) 740-5591

PO Box 981, Oriental, NC 28571

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