JAM and Spinnaker - Around the Buoys - Race #1

  • April 26, 2025
  • 13:00 - 16:00
  • Neuse River, Oriental, NE of SC1




Spinnaker and Jib and Main (JAM) boats gather on the Neuse River off of Oriental, NC, generally north east of mark SC1.    The course will be marked with ODC inflatable marks. Spinnaker and JAM fleets will have separate starts.

All boats should check-in with the race committee boat.   

The first warning signal will be at 13:00 for the Spinnaker fleet, with the JAM fleet starting shortly there-after.  JAM fleet should stay clear of the starting line until after the Spinnaker fleet start.

We will run up to 4 races each day of racing.

The full race schedule and race documents can be found at  www.orientaldinghyclub.com under "Racing".

Crew Pool:

  • Interested in crewing?
  • Short-handed and need crew?  

Find out more about our crew pool here, or go directly to the sign-up form  to add your name or find available crew.

Looking for Front Row Seat?  

Help out on the Grover -- our committee boat!  Sign up here.

After Race Social at Whittaker Pointe Marina!

All members welcome.  Please sign up to sponsor or bring a dish! 


Contact our Commodore, Bob Slook, by email or call (732) 740-5591

PO Box 981, Oriental, NC 28571

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